Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Define "Normal?" Well, according to dictionary.com normal is conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. HUH?

On page fifty-one of Define Normal Jazz asks, "I mean, what's your defition of normal?"
Antonia responds with, "You know,normal. Happy, healthy. Someone with friends and family..." Later she adds, "You have goals and dreams. Things you want to do with your life. You value life. You don't waste it."

What is normal? Is piercing your body in every possible area, normal? Is growing up in Boston but rooting for the Yankees, normal? Is eating peanutbutter and cheese sandwiches, coloring your hair every week, or even having two groups of friends, normal? Conversely, if I want to be by myself and don't have many friends is that ABNORMAL? If I am quiet at school am I ABNORMAL? If I don't value family am I ABNORMAL?

So class, what is your definition of normal?
Remember class, you can disagree with one another but be respectful of our differences in perspective.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Normal isn't anything except for a persons perspective therefore there basically is no such thing as normal. Unless its what you think. everyone has their own deffinition of normal.

  3. trying to become normal is a waste of time because every one has a differnt view on what is normal

  4. Most people think that being normal is wearing clothes that everyone wears, being nice, having a lot of friends, hanging out, being healthy and happy. I disagree. I think being normal is being yourself. Normal depends on the persepective of the person. Anyone can be normal in their own way.

  5. my defintition of normal is whatever you want it to be. if you feel that dressing in all black with peircings or wearing a t-shirt to school everyday...who cares! its normal to that person so if you think that thee weird why dont you look at yourself and see what you do that "normal" people wouldnt do as well.

  6. I believe that no one can be "Normal". Everyone has something about them that isnt normal. Not being normal makes the world go round. If everyone was normal everyone would be the same, and no one would be different.

  7. It's sad to think the world we all have grown up in has it's own definition of normal. normal to some " clicks " in school means, dressing in nice clothes, wearing makeup, doing your hair, always trying to impress people, and not to talk to anyone who isn't like that. On the other hand, " normal " means the complete oppisite to the other groups of people. Well, in my eyes " normal " means being happy with who you are and how people look at you.

  8. jennette has a good point. i fully agree with her.

  9. i completely agree with you tom!

  10. I believe that being normal is diffrent for every person. There is really no true defenition for this word because everyone already has there own. People think to be normal you have to act like every other person in the school and like all the same music as they like, eat what they like, etc. If you don't have the same interests as the majority of other people depending on your age, your simply not NORMAL to mostly everyone in your age group!

  11. tori, i completely agree with you!

  12. there is no real definition of people being normal. there is always something that makes you different and unique.if we were all normal there would be nothinmg intresting happening and we would all have the same "normal" perspective of life. having different points of veiw makes us unique. abnormal just means not normal which i consider to be a good thing. i dont wanna be normal i wanna be me.

  13. i agree with tori,picture the world weear everyone wore said and did the same thing...

  14. to me being normal is being comfortable with who you are as a person. everybody has there own perspectives about what normal is. so what someone has tatoos, piercings all over there body, and they change there hair color everyday thats there interpretation of being "normal". there really is no true deffinition of "normal" for every single person, we're all different

  15. IS dying normal?
    What about killing someone is it normal to kill someone?

  16. Tom your right, normal is whatever you want it to be

  17. mr. sorenson, it is normal to die. everyone has their time to go in life, whether or not it is right to kill someone. everyone passes away and has their time to go.

  18. I agree with you Tori because this world would not have a point if we were all the same...we all have something not noraml about us. You are 100% correct!

  19. dying will happen to eahc and everyone of us so thats normal...but think killing someone is completly diffrent

  20. dying is normal, but like i said before everyone has something that isnt normal about them so killing people isnt normal. if people werent normal then maybe people wouldnt be dying...

  21. Mr. Sorensen ,dying is normal beacuase it happens to everyone and killing someione is not normal becuase it is a choice.

  22. i agree with Katya, that you shouldnt care what people think and just be happy the way you are. that might be what normal is for some people its not but that doesnt really matter becase its just their opinion.

  23. katya- i agree with whether it is right or wrong to kill someone and everyone dies someday.

  24. Dying is normal, everyone dies eventually. No one can live forever, its natural. Killing someone is definately NOT okay, but if someone thinks killing people is normal, then thats their choice. To me it's not normal and its a terrible thing to take someone's life from them and if some one thinks killing people is normal, they're a bit disturbed.

  25. it depends on how the teen dies...if its a accadental event,you could say its normal

  26. Thanks Mary, and i agree with what you said too

  27. If I am a soldier in the army isn't it normal to someone?

  28. The word 'normal' has many different definitions. Depending on where you live or what your religion is, normal can be basicly anything. In the middle-east countries, it can be considered 'normal' to hit women and abuse them, but in America, treating women poorly makes you a horrible person. Many children think disrespecting their parents is 'normal' in the U.S, but if you were living in Japan and you even dared to disrespect your elders, you'd get smacked. If someone looked at our country and saw what Americans do daily compared to them, they'd think that we weren't 'normal', just like we'd think that their culture wasn't normal. In my opinion, there is really no EXACT definition of normal. Everybodys definition is different.

  29. well mr sorensen dying is a natural thing everybody is gunna die eventualy. yeah killing somebody isnt right but its the persons choice to kill. its what they think should be done. in my opinion killing isnt okay and to me its not normal

  30. there is no "normal" way to die. in our world to this day there all multiple ways people can die. in war,from cancer, being murdered, or comitting suicide, though there are many ways it doesnt mean any of the possibilities are truelly normal

  31. well, a teenager who dies is normal. i don't think just because your age is diffrent, it's not normal. it's really not right. but how come everyone thinks just because an 80 year old dies it's normal? if alot of teenagers died this year we would all soon think it was normal.

  32. mary i agree and disagree yes i agree dying is normal but i disagree with what you said about choice because its your choice to do and wear ans say anything sop everything is your choice

  33. I think normal is being your self. Do the things that you think is right for you. Be succesful or not, that's normal because that's what he or she chose or you are born like that. Different people have different choises. All people are 'normal' but in different ways.

  34. Mr. sorensen, it depends on what their definition of normal is

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  36. there isn't an exact deffinition of normal. everyone has their own way of being normal. normal to someone is what they act like and dress like and anyone who does it differently isnt normal. if you dye your hair every other day and have body piercings, thats normal for you. and when you see someone who straightens their hair, wears hollister jeans and ugg boots, they're not normal to you.

  37. when your in the army the gaol is to kill so yes i find that normal it depends on if your out of the army and you walk around the streets shotting people maybe that person needs some help

  38. mr. sorenson, dyind is normal because everybody does die at one point in their life. depending on the situation killing is not because most people dont kill, especialy for a good reason

  39. normal is just a dumb way people try to group and define people. the saying has been around for too long. someone who thought that everyone should dress like them, talk like them, and do everything like them made up thaty definition.

  40. izzy, i agreee that it depeneds on your perspective who is normal and who is not.

  41. I haven't read all of the comments about teenagers dieing, but what does DIEING have to do with being normal? Everyone dies. It's inevitable. It's normal.

  42. tom, the goal in the army is to defend our country.

  43. Katya,
    I have heard you say "that is just not normal" quite frequently.


  45. I was thinking the same thing Carly

  46. Mr.Sorenson, dying is something that happens to everyone. killing someone isnt normal. in the animal kingdom it is. however, we arent animals were human so we actually think about things before we do them. we dont do things out of instinct. maybe it is normal who knows. maybe the person attacked someone and they were fighting for their life acting in self defence. so no in my eyes its not normal to kill someone. but dieing happens to everyone sometimes sooner than others because of things such as cancer or disese. so is dying normal i think it is.

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  48. tom do you now what your talking about? i agree with katya

  49. mr. sorensen, everyone dies no matter what. teenagers can die from diseases,like cancer. they can't control it. Or they could be killed in a car accident. In the army, people die and you kill the enemy. It's been going on for hundreds of years. Killing someone when your in the army must be very difficult and tragic. Most people that come back from war are tramatized from it.

  50. Mr. Sorensen, Yes it is normal for a solider because there job is to kill people to protect us...but the people that do it for fun...it's there choice.

  51. Because Mr Sorensen said something about it Izzy

  52. can we stop with this normal nonsense. noone is normal, no living this is normal. we aren't perfect. we we're made to be diffrent and have flaws, whether or not everyone excepts us. it's just who we are.

  53. Kwatson, i agree. If someone told me somebody died, i wouldn't be saying, "Oh yeah, thats a weird way to die." No. Nobody thinks about 'normal' when somebody dies. There's more things to worry about rather then debating the normality of the death!

  54. Katya,
    but in order to defend our country what do you have to do...give the other country money...every war i have heard of it involvs deaths thatmight not be the happiest thought...but its the truth

  55. ohh right. shpanks for the help mary

  56. I agree with you Izzy, everyone has their own way of being normal.

  57. katrina, killing someone is something that happens.it happenes all around the worlsd there is not stopping it so it is niether normal or not. killing is not normal but it does happen. the way some one dies isn't normal cuz everyone dies in a different way.

  58. they aren't set out to kill though, the president doesn't say " KILL THE ENEMY JUST TO SAVE EVERYONE ." killing, just is the best way to go about the war scituation.

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  60. i disagree tori, everyone's normal in their own different ways!

  61. izzy, no offence i disagree! i think everyones beautiful in their own way, but noones normal. normal just needs to leave exsistance.

  62. i disagree izzy.. if people were normal everyone would be the same.. but i do agree that everyone has their own definition of normal

  63. i completely agree with you katya, but it's still normal because thats their job.

  64. Normals a state of mind its what the person thinks. and yeah kasi there is nothing normal about anything unless you think its normal its your opinion or prospective about things.

  65. jeanette, i agree. i mean death isnt just teenagers commiting suicide. things happen and most of the time death is inevitable

  66. katya exactly you just proved my point i know he dsnt say that but its going to happen..its completly NORMAL.

  67. mary, the hip kid wouldnt be normal either though so there is no category that you can put people in as normal cuz no body is.

  68. but what do you mean by normal when you say 'if people were normal everyone would be the same' if normal doesn't have a deffinate deffinition.

  69. and thank you tori!

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  71. I said people have their own definition of normal, but truly no one can be normal its impossible

  72. Izzy thats the thing there is no such thing as normal. it doesnt exist unless we think somethings normal in our mind. its an opinion.

  73. My definition of normal is different than yours

  74. um normal does exisist so stop saying it doesnt

  75. well from a perspective you would want to say oh that person is normal and that persons not. you have to get to know someone before you decide if thae are normal. no one is and we have to deal with that

  76. im normal in my own way. your normal in your own way yet we're both different people so if everyone was normal then we'd still be different

  77. About the hip kid thing I meant to delate that one and reword it like this: If your not into all to clothes styles, hair styles, music, etc. then people don't think your normal....sorry for me not making myself clear Kasi.

  78. okay, i have a question for all of you guys. so, since we are talking about this normal stuff, when we eventually get older and have kids, what are you going to tell them about being "normal" ?

  79. izzy, see thats your perspective of normal... my perspective is that their is no normal

  80. The taliban want to kill us because of our religion & freedom. They're not really doing it for fun. In order to protect ourselves from somebody who wants to kill us for stupid senseless reasons like hating our religion, then fine. If your so jealous of our freedom then just free your own people, goodness. We'll have to kill them too. If we didn't protect ourselves, America would be burned to the ground. Only a physco would kill for fun. WATCH THIS MISS VARNEY. If the Americans didn't fight with the British way back when, we'd still be under British rule. They fought for freedom, and they thought killing was okay to do so. People kill for certain reasons, and those reasons aren't even close to normal.

  81. what is normal? there is no such thing as normal because everyone is different and they all have different opinions about what goes on around them.

  82. I don't think anything in the world is normal...I'm getting stressed out thinking about this blog!

  83. normal, is just what we've been taught and what we've been going by our whole lives. There really is no such thing as "normal". Normal to us is what you think and depends on your perspective. If going to war and fighting for your country is normal, then do what you think is right. Dying by something that you can't control is normal because everyone dies.

  84. katya, ill tell them to be what they believe normal is but that no one is perfect.

  85. everyone is normal in there own way.

  86. its alright i understand what you mean now. that is true that people see eachother in that point of veiw and want to label people as normal and not normal. mary you do have a good point

  87. No one Is normal because not everyone thinks they are. But you are normal if you think you are. normal is a state of mind.

  88. Katya...I will say, "honey everyone in this worls is normal and their own unique ways."

  89. There's no such thing is normal. People have diiffernt choices.

  90. i agree mary. and tori, okay and i respect that

  91. katrina, i agree that everyone thinks they are normal or wants to think that. but when we compare eachother we are all not normal.

  92. Thanks you izzy.. I respect your definition too

  93. katya, i would say normal is what you want it to be, but everyone is normal in their own way. you just have to look for it.

  94. well katya, we will tell the little children what ever we believe normal is. or in my opion i wouldnt tell my kids what i think normal is because we're different people and we have different opinions.

  95. katya, you tell them normal is what ever you want it to be.

  96. so you would just feed your thoughts and opinions into their heads sekbom?

  97. thats true katya.. because then they might get the wrong idea about what "noraml" is

  98. yeah maybe i would but i would tell them its not up to me what they believe in

  99. carly, i cant explain over the computer

  100. shauna i wouldnt tell my kids any of my thoughts and perspectives either until they were old enough to make there own diecisions. i wouldnt want my kid getting in trouble for saying someone is abnormal and tekll the principal my mommy said that normal is.......
    i would be ashamed of something like that because i wouldnt want my child thinking that mommy knows everything and to influence there lives by one detail.

  101. Sekbom..I don't agree with brain washing your kids with your opion of normal.

  102. mary i agree completly everyone should have there own choice and not controled by everyone else.

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  104. everyone is unike in their own way and nobody is abnormal

  105. My definition of normal is be the person you want to be. Everyone is different so there cant be a such thing as "normal". As long as your happy and like the person you are thats all that matters.

  106. Normal is what you want it to be. It is what ever your perspective of normal is. you can be totally different from the person next to you, and they could think your abnormal while you think you are normal, and who you are is not uncommon. I believe you can't really define normal.

  107. thats true lauren and kayla haha

  108. I think that normal doesn't really have a definition. It's a kind of perspective. For every person normal means something different to them.

  109. I believe there is no such thing as normal. Nothing is ever exactly the same therefore there is no standard/normal.

  110. In my opinion, normal is different for everyone. You can't really make a universal definition for it, since everyone in the world is so different. For some people, sitting at home alone is normal, while for others its normal to go and hang out with friends. In order to make one definition of normal you would have to make everyone in the world think alike, which would be very boring and impossible.

  111. Kayla, I agree as long as your happy with yourself thats all that matters! Who cares if another person thiks your "un-normal"?

  112. is jazz normal or is antonia normal and how?

  113. Nobody is "normal" . Yeah, we all have different perspectives of whos "normal" and whos "not" but, we all are different in many different ways. Im pretty sure nobodys life is "perfect and normal"?

  114. Allison i think your right, because were all different which means we can all have the same defintion. and Jack i dont beleive theres one exact definiton of normal. therefore i dont think "normal" exists.

  115. I agree kara and antonio, there really isn't such a thing as normal

  116. Kara I agree, normal is all based on perspective, making it impossible to make one definition.

  117. I think we are getting of topic... It doesn't matter if you are happy with yourself. That has nothing to do with being "normal".

  118. tori and mary you are both wrong while you both agree being "abnormal" makes the world go round.(though that statement is un-true planet earth would continue its orbit with or without the human race to be "normal) You have also never answered the question whats a definition without a word to define. I personally think that normal is just how little you are far fetched from typical things. Wearing all black descends you from the scale while liking sports ( a common interest among people) makes you more normal.

  119. I agree with you Allison. Unless everyone is pretty much the same, there can't be a definition for normal.

  120. Being normal, and being happy with who you are, are two completely different topics.

  121. normal is diferent for everybody. its normal to do stuff like eating lunch and going to school. its not normal to completely change your appearance, or personality. normal is the usual for you. you can't compare people and call one person not normal because of what they do, and how they dress. thats just who they are.

  122. tyler, i dont agree because different people have different opinions. some people dont like sports and some people like the color black. so those 2 things make them 'abnormal'

  123. Antonio I disagree, being normal and being happy with yourself are related. If you are happy with yourself then to you, you are normal, or you dont care what normal is.

  124. for example would it be normal for erik dempsey to just randomly come into school with all his hair cut off?

  125. Dan, so if i completly changed my appearence that wouldnt be "normal" ? everybody changes there appearences and out looks in life ?

  126. well he wouldnt look the same, but boys are normal to have short hair. so yeah why not,

  127. hannah, they dont just change right away

  128. So Tyler, does that make me abnormal? Considering I wear black all the time along with almost everybody else including yourself. I think that in order to define normal, you need a standard to be comparing to.

  129. kayla, you allways know erik by his long hair but if he ramdomly came into school one day with all his hair cut off what would you say?

  130. What if a family member died in your life that you really cared about and you changed your appearence and your personality, jack?

  131. id say 'woah you cut off you hair' but i wouldnt be like thats not normal erik you cant just go and cut of your long hair. Its different perspectives and yes i would think thats normal.

  132. jack, you dont just know erik from his "long hair" you know someone from their personality and who they truely are, not there appearence.

  133. Hannah I agree, it can be normal to change your appearance and outlooks in life. As long as you don't do it constantly, which I don't think anyone does, it is normal.

  134. I agree antonio. Just because you wear black doesnt mean your "abnormal"

  135. Hannah's true. Its like judging a book by its cover. you cant just be bestfriends with erik and he cuts his hair off and you decide your not normal. were not friends anymore just because of a hair cut.

  136. I still disagree Allison, being normal is definately different than being happy with yourself. I guess you could say that being happy with yourself makes you normal in your own mind, but you being happy with yourself has absolutely nothing to do with another persons perspective.

  137. but i wouldnt not be eriks friend if he cut his hair off it wouldnt be normal to come in with a different hair style is what i am saying

  138. jack, no it wouldn't, because erik has long hair and he usually doesn't cut it all off. it would be out of the ordinary for him, not the usual, or not 'normal' for him.

  139. Antonio, you shouldnt care what other people think. If you find something normal, its your opinion so being happy with yourself does matter!

  140. Thats true Kayla and Hannah you can't judge a book by its cover,and you don't know someone by appearance but by the person they are.

  141. So it would be abnormal to come in with a different hairstyle? Jack i totally disagree.

  142. antonio and kayla you are caught up too much in the examples im saying wearing black to the point of like jazz luther. ( not skin color antonio...) Im saying the person that mostly stands out by appearance is that someone with a tom brady jersey or some screamo band and decked out in dark colored clothes and strange designs.

  143. I agree allison, it is completely normal to change your appearance, but it may come as a surprise to people if you do it all the time.

  144. normal is nonexistent. every person has their own definition of normal so i wouldn't even attempt to define it because almost everybody will disagree with you

  145. Normal is basically whatever you think, im saying that normal is your own perspective as in if you where all black for you that would be normal to your self but other people might think oh thats a little weird, and there are many other examples following that.

  146. i agree with you jason, your post is interesting

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  148. I dont think there is a normal.. if you have to wear what others are wearing, and act like the popular kids, its stupid. i think normal is being you.

  149. Everyone's definition of normal is different. If I want to dress in all black clothes, listen to heavy metal music, and sit alone, and I think that's normal for myself, so be it. Other people might think it abnormal, because their definition of "normal" might be different, perhaps somebody who shops exclusively at Hollister's and Aeropostale, has many friends, and listens to pop music. Everybody's definition of normal is different. That's what makes the world exciting.

  150. Jason, I agree 100%. There is no true definition of "normal".

  151. Well,
    Situations can be normal. Like it is normal to punt the ball on 4th and 15. It is normal to pick up a $20.00 bill on the ground.

    But People can't be characterized as normal?
    Is maryln manson normal? What about michael jackson?

  152. I think normal is ur own defintion..everyone has there own! I think also it depends on the concequences ur in to know if it is normal or not! i don't know what the real efinition of normal is because if say like dying is normal it is... but for a 13 year old to die would be a tradegybut normal so it depends on the concequences!

  153. i totaly agree with you paige :)

  154. no offence to marilyn manson he is normal but he scares me

  155. i agree paige i think people should just keep an open mind and not judge people for there looks and hobbies

  156. michael jackson is normal .. in his own creepy way .

  157. thats comepletely your opinion tiarera

  158. Normal has many different definitions. I think the definition of normal is someone who has friends and family. They should also have a pursuit in life like a goal and you are trying to achieve that goal everyday. Also I agree with Tiara because normal is anything you think it is.

  159. Paige i agree with you, it does make the world interesting!

  160. i agree 95% with you ashley but the other 5% odd

  161. I agree that a situation can be normal or abnormal, depending on the circumstances. But each and every person on this planet has their own definition of normal. Michael Jackson and Marilyn Manson probably consider themselves normal, although not many other people may. This is because their definitions of normal are much different.

  162. Ashely hill- I agree with the thing about michael Jackson.

  163. i know BIG-J i never said anybody ahd to agree with me.

  164. he is not odd.. he is himself .. he is a ledgend.. bahaa im mixing all sorts of english knowlagde here.

  165. mr.sorenson i don't know what you mean by it is normal to punt the ball on 4th and 15

  166. Normal is whatever you want it to be. Just because you don't dress like everyone else doesn't mean you're not normal, it just means you're your own definition of normal.


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