Thursday, February 10, 2011


"Don't let your character change color with the environment. Find out whom you are and let it stay its true color." -Rachel Scott of Rachel's Challenge-

Recently we have uncovered interesting tidbits about the "true" Jazz Luther Our ounce "subhuman punk" is a pianist prodigy, daughter of a wealthy and proud family, but eager to hide her "true" self. She seems determined to hide her wealth, her talent, and even her friendship with Antonia, from Ram, Eeks, and others, "'Come on, let's go.' She herded her group away" (page 138). Is Jazz a poser?

Antonia is much better. She has put on "a front" since day one. Antonia has hidden much about her own life and has even gone as far as to break the law to keep her identity hidden, "Throwing off his blanket, I lifted Chuckie up (from the hospital bed) and said 'Come on Michael. We're going home.'" (page 48). She has lied to parents, neighbors, teachers, students, and even herself. Is Antonia a poser?

Secondly, should your "true colors" shine proudly or is it honorable to change different ways, around different people. Keep in mind, we are not talking about how to behave in school vs. the mall. We are interested in the essence of one's personality! Who they really are deep down inside? Should your personality stay true? Do YOU let your true colors out?


  1. I think there both posers but i think that jazz is more of a poser because she is almost two completley diffrent people. Antonia is also a poser because she hids her home life but it is for a good reason most people dont like sharing that there mother is in a mental hospital and her dad ran away. Antonia does it for a good reason jazz does not.

  2. I think that both Jazz and Antonia are fake, but in different ways. Jazz hides who she really is from her friends becasue she thinks they will make fun of her. While Anotonia keeps her real life a secrete from others because she doesn't want help and was afraid that her family would have been split up if child services found out. Finally, yes I believe that your personality should stay true, and for the most part you would act the same around all your friends if it does.

  3. I agree with Mike. antonia does have a good reason but she should have at least one loyal friend that she can vent her feelings to. Jazz needs to tell people, and stop being a person that shes not. She odviously loves classical music, and shes rich. She needs to start being grateful for what she has and stop acting like a totally different person.

  4. I think that Jazz is more of a poser because she acts like she is punkish when she really isn't. She acts like this because she is embarrased by her home life and she wants to aggrivate her mother. Jazz doesn't listen to punk music like everyone thinks, but she does listen to classical music. on the other hand, antonia is a poser too, but not as much as Jazz. Antonia doesn't have to tell about her home life to everyone, and she is not being a poser then. She does act like her life is just fine to people who don't know the tue story.

  5. Antonia is much more of a poser than Jazz. She always has to try her hardest and always be perfect in everything she does. She hates the fact that her family life is messed up with her mom and dad devorced and her mom depressed and unable to take care of the kids. She is determined to have as perfect of a life as possible. she even goes as far as breaking the law just to not be disovered. She is definetly not that perfect student that everybody knows her as.

  6. I agree with you Allison,I beleive it is important to be who you are and to let your "true colors" show. You should keep your personality real no matter who you are around.

  7. I think Jazz is more of a poser. She is hiding her true colors and personality becuse she dosn't want to be embarrassed. So she hides behind her makeup. And acts like a punk like she has been on the streets when she is super rich. She hides her talent of playing piano from her friends and that Antonia is her friend. Jazz has a talent and if the people that she hangs out with can't acsept it they aren't realy her friends.
    Antonia is hiding the family she comes from and the actions of her mother. So no one will find out the problems that she has at home by takeing care of her brothers. Which is to much for her to handle. She is a poser but she is doing it for her family. If someone in your family was acting like her mother is you would try to hid it to. Becuse thats not who Antionia is it is what her mother is doing by just staying in bed all the time.

  8. I disagree dan, Antonia does get good grades and tries her hardest so she is a good and even perfect student but her homelife is not as perfect as people may perceive it is.

  9. I think Antonia is more of a poser that Jazz because she hides everything. At first she didnt tell anyone about her mother. She also told the Luthers her father was dead. Jazz is still a poser though. She hides her many talents. She can play the piano really well and shes actully really smart. Also, shes really rich. I personly think that you should always have your true colors shine through. I think its just a better way to be yourself!

  10. i bielieve jazz is a poser because she never wants to be around antonia she always says come guys lets go to class when antonia comes to say hi. but i think antonia is more of a poser because she like she has a perfect life and lies about her homelife and personal life.

  11. Ana, I disagree she lies to protect her family. so her family dosen't end up in foster care split in differant houses and never see one another.

  12. Julia, she still dosent tell anyone about her moms problems. If she wanted to help her family she would go to someone and ask for help.

  13. I think that Jazz is definately a poser. She hides everything about her who she is and her interests. On the other hand she does act the same way everywhere, she shows her real personality. Antonia isn't a poser, she just doesn't show her "true colors" to everyone she meets. Antonia doesn't come right out and say that her mother is sick and she has to do everything in her house to people because it's none of their business. I think there's a time and place for everything, including showing your true colors. I mean you should definately show people your personality and not be two-faced, but you shouldnt come right out and tell people your life story.

  14. Both Jazz and Antonia are posers.. But Jazz is more of a poser because she is hiding so many things from her friends and she wont express her true colors..Many people dont show their true colors because their afraid of what others might think or say.. You should show your true colors so that your not lying to people about who you really are.. but some people are too scared to do so

  15. I agree with you Jeanette like 100%

  16. i wouldn't call them posers. they just hide who they really are and how their life is really like.

    if your colors change around different people then they arent really "true" colors, they're kinda fake. however, it's different if you don't know what your "true colors" are yet so you can experiment and try new things.

  17. I agree with you Jeaneete when you say there is a time and a place for showing your true colors.

  18. both Jazz and Antonia are posers. Their both posers in different ways. I think that you should always show your true colors no matter what. and if someone can't handle who you really are, then you don't need them in your life cause their holding you back.

  19. honestly, i think their both posers. Antonia and Jazz both put on their fake acts in school, Antonia seems like some perfectionist... but in reality she has troubles with her home life and balancing it out with school. And on the other hand Jazz acts like some punk, but she plays piano! Neither of those girls would've guessed that about eachother. SO, theyre both posers.

    And, your true colors should shine proudly. you should be proud of who you are and how you are, if your not then there is probably something you can do to change it. pretending to be something your not around other people is just wrong, i think everyone deserves to see the real side of people once getting to know one another. plus, if you have to act like something else around your " friends " then they aren't true friends.

  20. thank you mary, and alex not nessicarily. I don't think you should just spill your guts out to everyone you meet, theres some things people dont need to know about you

  21. Izzy, I like what you say about that they are fake colors if you change them around diffrent people and they are no longer true colors.

  22. i completly agree katya with the "friend" part

  23. Jeanette, im not saying to spill your guts out to everyone you meet, just be yourself and dont try to be fake to be friends with them.

  24. jeanette- you dont have to spill your guts out if you dont want too. if you trust them enough then you have the option to share your secrets

  25. I think that Jazz is a poser. Jazz seems to be hiding more because she never tells her friends anything about what she really does and what she really likes, she hides lots of thigs from them. Antonia on the other hand is not so much a poser she just doesn't want people to know her personal life which I don't blame her.

    I think that you don't always have to show your true colors. There is a time to show them and a place to shoe them.

  26. no mary, you should always show your true colors.

  27. yeah i guess thats right, i mean like dont be fake but you can be real and not show everything about yourself...if that makes sense

  28. Okay Katya, maybe you are right becaue people should no who you are.

  29. your right jmorgan, yo.

  30. They're both posers they lie to themselves and others. they hid alot about themselves. they dont act like themselves. they hide who they're friends are. jazz and Antonia are friends yet they avoid eachother in public. Jazz constantly denies that shes friends with Antonia. and you should be yourself. honestly i dont get why people care about what others think. oh wait its because your afraid. in society people get pushed down constantly because they are different. you cant show your true colors all the time its hard to. its something you have to learn you have to learn to not care and not be afraid of what others think.

  31. i think that they are both posers, only because they both hide their life in some way . But i think Antonia has become a compolsive liar because for so long she has been telling people her mother is at work and doesn't mention a thing about her father. But Jazz is hiding who she really is on the inside.

  32. i think both jazz and antonio are posers. There both fake because they hide who they really are. Jazz hides that shes rich, plays the piano and that shes very smart. Antonio hides her home life from people and trys to be perfect.

  33. I think Jazz and Antonia are both posers. Jazz more than Antonia though. Jazz hides her real self. She plays the piano "beautifuly" but then again she doesn't want her friends or anyone else knowing that she plays. On the other hand Antonia really just hides her life problems. Which I don't blame her on that because I don't think I would want everyone knowing my personal life. Still though I think there is a time and place to show your true colors.

  34. i agree brittany! alot of people hide their problems, not just because they're embarressed or something, but because they're scared of what's going to happen, so i don't blame antonia for hiding her problems, but still there is some things that she does that makes her a poser.

  35. thank you angie! and yes i do agree with you when you said "but still there is some things that she does (Antonia) that makes her a poser. You are 100% correct on that!!

  36. i think because jazz is scared to share some things with her friends, that means they're not real friends, if they were it wouldn't matter that she plays the piano, or is rich with a fancy house. real friends don't care about stuff like that.

  37. oh yeah... i never thought of it that way. good point!


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