Monday, February 28, 2011


So, we are going to be studying poetry and its concepts for the next six weeks; what is your initial reaction on hearing this. Tell us your experiences with poetry, what do you like?; dislike;? Discuss what you know about poetry, figuartive language, famous poets, etc. with your classmates.

Mrs. Sherbertes is a very talented teacher; what do you remember from her poetry unit? Is there a place for poetry in your world? Actually you guys love poetry but you call it something different-Any ideas?

Finally, to begin the unit,take a minute to read the four poems I supplied on the worksheet: Like an Animal When You Love Someone, Dad's in the Bathroom, and The Weeks to Come. Which is your favorite and why? Discuss your impressions and understandings of each.


  1. I personally think that poetry can get very boring, but some poems can be fun to read like the "Dad's in the bathroom" one. But if we spent all class just reading those weird, sketchy poems about getting lost in the woods or whatever, class could get pretty boring.

  2. Alot of people say that poetry is boring and doesnt have a meaning, but if you find the true meaning it explains alot. It sometimes explains about life, and i find it interesting to see how some authors lifes are about. it can also tell alot about them

  3. I agree with Travis. It can be very boring, however it can be entertaining when you think of it as something different... music.

  4. But also, like george said, sometimes challenging your mind and trying to find the true meaning of a poem, it can be fun. It all depends on what the auther is trying to say when he/she's writing it.

  5. poetry is okay. i like reading peoms and making up my own better than anything else in the poetry unit

  6. i know that it explains alot goerge thats why its boring

  7. I like reading poetry, i like the rhyming schemes and the way they're written. My favorite part of last year's english class was when we did the poetry portfolio with Mrs.Sherbertes. My Favorite poem that we just read was Like an Animal because it was so descriptive.

  8. yeah rothberg i guess i agree. but if you actually read it and find the true meaning then i find it not as much boring

  9. Yes Rothberg, i agree. Entertaing poems about like music or something are fun to read and you can really get into them.

  10. I think that poetry has a reputation to be very boring, and not to bother reading it. So i have stayed away from it. When i heard that we were going to be doing poetry for the next 6 weeks, i was kind of thinking that it would not be that fun. However, there are some cool things about poetry like often it says what people are feeling without coming right out and saying it.

  11. to be honest i have always regreted the time of the year when we study poetry it bores me, i cant wait to get it done and over with

  12. Yeah, I guess that can be true in some cases George. It all depends on the topic the writter is writing about.

  13. some people dont like poetry because they dont understand it. when you look into the deeper meaning you might like it more because you understand it

  14. no its still boring, you just found the meaning. then it becomes more boring

  15. yes and most of the authors we heard about last year wrote about there the plague poem

  16. poetry can get very boring if all we do is read poems and talk about them all class everyday

  17. Well Nick, i know that is your opinion, and dont take this the wrong way but everyone has different opinions. Some people may be interested in a poem about something that they like to do or one about their hobby.

  18. Not all poems last year were about people's lives.. it was what they experienced in their every day life as well.

  19. I think its really hard to write poetry, but i like it, but i really hate peoms with rhyming!!! i like it when poetry is really deep with a hidden message.

  20. if you find the true meaning, it can tell you alot about that person and you can see how they felt at the time.

  21. yes i like puzzles because they have nothing to do with english, i dont find anything we learn in english fun or interesting

  22. i do like to read poetry. i like how some of the poetry rymthes and how everything just goes together. i dont like though when some poems dont flow together in one, and dont make any sense to me.

  23. Well, think of some poems as puzzles....trying to look at the combination of words to unlock the secret message.

    For instance...The Road Not cleverly discovered that it is not about just walking in the woods....

  24. last years poetry unit wasn't that great it was a little boring for me. i think that we should have added some more comedy to them

  25. I agree with you Maureen, i think that at first glance it might seem boring but when you find the deeper meaning you might like reading poetry.

  26. i think mr sorenson knows what hes talking about

  27. Bascially putting together the pieces....
    TK, which was your favorite of the four poems

  28. I agree mr.sorensen and i disagree nick

  29. Really Nick...It makes me appreciate you so much more because although you dont' find it interesting and valuable you still give it your best and are enthusiastic.
    Thanks for that..

  30. mr.s even if you compare poems to sports or food im still going to think its boring

  31. Poems are based on many different things, it can be about life experiences, and it could also be about nothing particular at all. Some may not be as exciting as others, but they all have a meaning someway or another.

  32. I agree Michaela.. but it still depends on what it's about. The topic has to interest you in order for you to enjoy it.

  33. well its not all boring.... rap is kind of like poetry, thats not really that boring.

  34. i liked, Dad in the Bathroom, it had that comedic element in it

  35. micayla, you saidf you like music as poetry, but take away the singing and the tune and then just read the lyrics like a book it is much more boring isnt it

  36. yea i agree with shae... i think the best part of the poem is to find out the true meaning of it

  37. Yeah nick, you may not like what we do in english but you are still learning and you are getting a full year of a good education. What mr. sorensen posted about how puzzles are similar to poems, its really true and it makes sense...

  38. good point Micayla! You probably wouldn't like reading poetry if it was about something you hated.

  39. Nothing we do is fun...thats not like the roots games, and the folklore are outgoing in your discussion of the books, you have been clever in your descriptive writing and you always offer appropriate communication skill......ah forget it, I am off topic....back to poetry.

  40. Not necessarily nick. it depends on your way of looking at the lyrics to a song.

  41. travis, i never said i wasnt learning new things every day, all i said was that i dont like english all together, the way mr. sorenson teaches it to us is a blast i just donot find the topi9cs to be very interesting

  42. Yes george but what about reading the lyrics as you listen to the music. Cadance and rythm are a big part of poetry

  43. Nick, I didn't say I like music as poetry, I said music's another way of looking at poetry. There's a difference.

  44. Jake,
    Again, look at it as a challanege to find the deep meaning to a poem.
    Or just enjoy how clever people can be with their words....
    Do you like rap?

  45. Micayla, i agree with your music idea. Like poetry, music has a meaning and be listening or reading the words, you can probably figure it out.

  46. music is fun the listen to and read the lyrics... we could try to make poetry into a song but poerty will always be poerty...boring

  47. and i feel that not all music has a meaning. some rap songs dont have a purpose.

  48. Cadence is a beat or rythm that keeps something flowing.

    Like the cadence of the soldiers marching.

  49. george they probly do you just didnt figure it out

  50. Not really George, there's always a meaning to a song. Something the artist feels, sees, or experienced.

  51. but jake it depends on what its about. it depends on what the deeper meaning bhind it all is. Not everyone thinks its boring. look beyond what it is saying on the paper. look at what the author is trying to say. lines within lines...

  52. i thought rap was like fast poetry??? its like a poem with a beat.

  53. I agree with you george. not all songs really have a purpose.

  54. Micayla i agree. I agree with you too Maureen.

  55. Well Jake take your favorit e rap song for a minute....what tremednous poetic skills that author has to combine words into a message taht is not your typically story. The combinatino of sylabals, similies, metaphores, and other fig. language in addition to a imaginiative way to express one self ALL POETRY

  56. yeah maureen but like have you listened to some rap songs.. some just dont make sense they just take random words that rhyme and they put it into a song

  57. speaking of marching... are you ready for march madness?!?!

  58. george and michaela i agree with you becuase some people could just be bored and making a rap.. but i also disagree because you have to read between the lines to figure out what they're saying.

  59. george, yeah maybe thats what you think but to the writer it might be something deeper

  60. I think that poetry is a hard thing to do if you dont have an open mind and if your not creative. I think writing poetry but sometimes I get writers block and it gets difficult.
    Out of the poems that we read I liked "Dads in the bathroom" the most because it was funny and creative

  61. i like poetry but then again i hate it. after while it can get very boring. i personaly love poems that are funny and weird and the ones that get you to think

  62. FINALLY. Poetrrrry<3. Poetry is easily one of my most favorite subjects to learn about in English. It never gets boring and it never gets old, so I'm fine with sticking to this topic for the next couple of weeks. It's a great way to share your emotions and express your feelings/beliefs with the art of poetry! I would spend the rest of my life making poetry if i was allowed to. In my opinion, poetry should ryhme. It makes it flow easier and it makes it sound sophisticated and proper! Although everyone doesn't share the same opinions as me, that is still what I think. What do you think?

  63. the main reasons why i don't mind poetry is because i like the hidden meanings and messages in poems. the reason why i don't like writing poetry is because sometimes you know how to explain how you feel about something in your head but once you really think about it you sometimes can't find the right words to explain it.

  64. i dont like poetry. its not my thing.

  65. carly i agree with you about the rhyming

  66. i personally like poetry and enjoy figuring out what poems mean. poetry is a a way of expresing yourself and i like that about it. music is also poetry and if you listen to rap songs they all well most of them mean something

  67. Personaly, I'm not very good at poetry and I don't really like to write it. I don't really remember that much about poetry from last year because it didn't really interest me. I like the Like an Animal poem from the paper the best. The rest were sort of strange and unrelateable. The one about the dad in the bathroom was just disturbing.

  68. i agree with you carly about how it never gets old

  69. Izzy, I agree with what you said about having a deeper meaning in poetry thats the only reason I like to write and read it

  70. Rap is most certainly poetry. Speed isn't a factor when it comes to reading poetry.

  71. I think that poetry can be very boring, but some are fun to read and very entertaining.

  72. i dont really like poetry, i mean i dont mind it and can certainly live with it but id rather be doing something else. yes, its a time in literaure where you can express feelings or express things in diffrent unique ways but i just dont like it. lastyear when we had to write a poem every day during the beginning of mrs. jitiams class i always felt sort of lost, and struggled with it. its easier when you can write poetry about your own topic or something your intrested in, like a hobby, sport, realations, you know.

    And my favorite poem is " like an animal " because its very descriptive. it gives me chills and makes my jaw clench, but its like you cant stop reading it and i want to know more about it! and find out the deep meaning of it.

  73. When I first heard we were doing poetry i wasn't to excited because im not a big fan of poetry. In my opinion, its boring unless its very deep. It has to explain the meaning of what the writter is writting, or eles im not intrested.

  74. I dont like writing poetry but i dont mind reading it. It can be very interesting trying to find the hidden message.

  75. i agree tori. its hard for people that arnt creative

  76. i liked the poem Like an Animal because it had good visuals

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. carly, i agree with you that poetry should rhyme(:

  79. For me poetry is hard for me. I can never get my poems to flow and have some sort of meaning. It is really hard for me to get very creative with my writing and you need to be creative in order to write most forms of poerty. My favorite poem we read was "Dad's in The Bathroom" because it fit together perfectly and brought some humor along with it as well as being very creative.

  80. I have never really gotten into poetry , unless it is in a song . I love how in poetry it has a calm repeating rytham to it , but I dislike how it seems a poem could go on forever . It could take a while to understand what the poem is talking about , or how whatever the poem is based on , how does it relate to it?

  81. poetry last year didnt interest me at all because i dont think we made that many poems all we did was learn about them.

  82. @Ccosgrove: I agree with you, it can be very interesting.

  83. i agree Izzy its hard to find the right words to explain how your feeling.

  84. carly i agree about the speed no matter how fast you read it or rap it its still a poem

  85. I agree about the rap thing carly because if you listen to the lyrics they all have a different meaning

  86. I agree with Izzy. It was the most visual and mysterious out of all the pieces of writing.

  87. thank you mah boy culllin. and rap <3

  88. @shauna , i agree . mrs.sherbertes didn't really let us go free and write our own ..

  89. @iLapsley: I agree to what you said.

  90. agreed with the rap because its someone expressing their feelings and it flows like any old poem.

  91. i know, mrs. sherbertes guided us through ALL of it and it was very structured writing.

  92. well bridget we had that whole like poetry slide show..but i hated that

  93. Nooo, Mrs. Sherbertes never did. She always gave us certain topics.

  94. I agree with you Alex. I think you feel the same as I do...Don't you think the poems that rhyme are cheesy and have no meaning? But the ones with deep meaning interest you...because that's how i feel.

  95. i think you cant force poetry because if you are not feeling what you are writing about the poem means nothing and their for it will not be good. poetry plays a part in my world through music i love music so i suppose i love poetry but when the artist writing the music isnt passionate about what they are writing about the song comes out bad. i also think alot of music is very bad because very few people write their own music

  96. @jeanette, true but she kind of crammed it all in at once .

  97. jesse, i sooo agree with you abut everything you said

  98. the thing I dont like about poetry last year is that teachers told you how you should write them.. shouldnt it be you expressing your own feelings and creating your own poem?

  99. katya: i agree that it was very structured, poetry shouldnt be structured

  100. i cant really remember but from what i recall i think Mrs. Sherbertes gave us a certain type of poem to write but i'm pretty sure she let us write about what we wanted.........i think

  101. poetry sends a very powerful message when you word what your trying to say just right.the poem when you love someone came from that persons heart and they expressed how they felt about a relationship they had. you may not agree with what they had to say but thats there opinion. poetry is a way to right how you feel, but not in a form of a letter or essay but not as a sentence. you can hide the true meaning of the poem or leave it open for others to notice, that is one of the great things about poems. poems can be silly or sad, heart breaking or full of love, its your choice how to write it and anylize it.

  102. Last year poerty didn't really interest me.In Mrs. Jitiams class it was hard to figure out what half of he poems meanings were!

  103. i just think poetry is boring 75% of the time.

  104. @Jesse, LIKE. if you don't have feelings about what your writing about, it can make it more difficult. Writing poems is basically explaining yourself and how you feel. How are you supposed to write a 'heart-felt' poem if you don't feel it? I mean, you could, but... that would be difficult to connect, right?

  105. it really doesnt matter which type you like in each type there sre things you like and things you dont. i like the ones that speak in riddles it may say one thing but it means another i guess that would be symbolism. songs that writers write is really just poetry with a beat or music to it. instead of speaking it artists sing. i liked Like an Animal because it shows not everything is as it seems.

  106. Katya, I highly disagree. Care to explain why?

  107. i agree tori because no one can tell you how you feel, only you know it

  108. taylor swift writes her own music<3

  109. @jesse yorks: I agree with you ☺

  110. kasi, i agree. you have to have an open mind about poetry and some people just don't have that.

  111. I agree with jesse. All music.. well most music is poetry, i like music so in other words i guess i like poetry? No one really notices that music is poetry.. it is.

  112. i agree katya. only a few poems are good, most are just garbage and dont mean a thing.

  113. because, half of the time we read some old guys poetry from the like 14th century, and teachers expect us to find the " greater meaning " and know what it means. like nooooo? i dont want to read some old guys talking proper.

  114. I invented rap when my heart started beating<3

  115. if you give a person guidlines on what your poem is suposed to be like, then you're cutting of their imagination. and creativity

  116. Shauna, thats exactly what im saying!!!

  117. @katya , hahahaha i know . i didn't understand that either .. i can't really relate to something i don't fully understand ..

  118. carly: thats what i am saying. thats why in dont like alot of pop music because vertually none of them write their own lyrics

  119. Tori, I feel the same. We shouldn't be like forced to write them a certain way and we should be able to express our feelings and write them in our own format.

  120. i agree with Jesse and Kasi they have good points.

  121. exactly bridget! why try to understad something that truly means nothing to you?

  122. Alright. I can relate with that. I hate poetry that doesn't rhyme. Emily Dickinson gets me mad sometimes with her anti-love shinnanigans.

  123. haha carly i agree i dislike her shananigans

  124. oh here you go carly acting all smart! gosh.

  125. @carly, those poems were so dumb last year -__-

  126. Mary, yeah! maybe thats why i dont like poetry because I havent been able to express myself in my poems because there was always certain guidelines to follow

  127. agreed carly i think most unrhyming poems dont have as good of a flow as rhyming ones

  128. Its absolute nonsense. Yo katttya, you know<3

  129. Personally, I have to be in the mood to write poetry...I write poetry when I need a time to express myself and my feeling...not when someone tells me to write it.

  130. shauna is right it takes away thoughts

  131. carly, i dont like her either, she is too maibn stream

  132. katya, some teachers do give us poems that were written waay before we were born and i dont really care to find a deeper meaning to them either. some of them we do have to read to learn to anylize the newer poems that we read.

  133. mary i agree. i undertsand mrs. Jitiam wanted to challenge us but if the whole class doesnt understand what the poem is about the we should have atleast discussed them more. nobody was really even interested. in order to write/read peotry you have to have a passion for it, personaly i just dont have that passion.


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