Thursday, February 10, 2011


It took a while but Jazz and Antonia can actually sit in the same room with one another for more than 10 minutes. They are talking but is counseling working? How would you rate its effectiveness (1 weak-5very productive). If you think it is going well, why? What has each girl done to make it work? If you think it is not working, why? Who is to blame?

Finally, could peer counseling work for 8th graders in Mercury? Why or Why not?


  1. I would rate the peer counseling's effectiveness a 5... I think it is really productive. Not only can they last a whole session together, but they seem to be friends.

  2. i agree with you antonia, they can talk to eachother about a lot of things so i rate it a 5 too. Peer counsling might work here at PCIS it depends on the people.

  3. Omg, i just called you anttonia. lol im sorry.

  4. peer counseling is working really great for antonia and jazz. their friendshi is building really fast but it has its ups and downs at sometimes but overall i would give it a 5

  5. peer counseling sounds like a great idea

  6. Peer counseling worked good for Antonia & Jazz but I dont think it would help that much for pcis .

  7. I think peer counseling would work very well here at PCIS on one condition: There shouldn't be one person in charge. Originally Antonia was in charge in the peer counseling, but as you can see, they are working much better when they are both helping each other out.

  8. i agree with you hannah, this doesnt seem like the kind of school to have peer counsoling.

  9. Because, Alot of people wouldnt want to tell people there "life story" unless there one of your close friends? You would walk into a peer counseling room and tell them all your problems ? & How would it fix anything? Its not like talking about it makes it go away.

  10. I think this peer counseling thing i working really well. I think the effectiveness is, not all the way top a 5 yet, I think it's at about a 3 right now. Beacuase They are Getting somewhere and talking about stuff. Atleast it wasn't like when they couldn't stay in the same room with eachother for more than 10 minutes.

  11. why kayla just from your point of view it doesnt seem like it but everyone has problems that they need help with and could use someone to talk 2

  12. Not everyone wants someone to talk to jack, I dont need anyone to talk to .

  13. it would help them and could make a friendship

  14. i think peer counseling is working really well for both jazz and antonia because they are both opening up and telling them there sercrets about them and there home life.

  15. I disagree with you Hannah and Kayla. It's always good to talk about your problems, and I believe it would be much easier for one to talk with friends and peers, then it would be to talk to adults. I believe one would feel safer talking to a child rather than an adult.

  16. because people might like to keep their homelifes to them selves, which means peer counsling will have to talk about their problems.and no one would sighn up for peer counsling, most people arent that trustworthy.

  17. I think peer counciling would only work for so many people. Alot of people dont like to be just thrown into a room with a stranger and just talk about there problems. Its awkward. But if you have two friend or even a small group of friends then I think it might work.

  18. A kid from our school could easily tell your problems Antonio.

  19. i agree with hannah, Even if your talking about it, it still doesn't go away.

  20. yeah antonio but not to someone you barely know, how can you trust them.

  21. I would rate the peer counseling session at about a 4-5. They are making significant progress and you can see that it helps them both just by the way they are always looking forward to it, and it seems that either Jazz or Antonia is a little better at the end of the session than when they came in.

  22. then they would never get help with their homelife and everything would gradually get worse

  23. i agree with antonio because you need to talk about your problems.

  24. Maybe You will feel better if you talk about it for alittle bit but after your probaly gonna notice that you should have kept everything to yourself or go to someone who is actually a professional.

  25. Hannah, it is good to talk to someone about your problems.

  26. jack, most of us are mature kids which means we know who to talk to, guidence counslers or if you dont want the school to get involved you can talk to plenty of people that you know and trust..

  27. I agre with hannah, No one wants talk about there emotinal problems with a stranger

  28. No, maybe to you. I dont tell anyone about my problems .

  29. Your gonna pour your heart out to a random person?

  30. yeah if u keep it a secret then something horrible could happen and nobody would find out

  31. me either hannah, i mean i do to my bestfriend because they are the only ones i really trust.

  32. Also, if you go and tell everyone your problems to somone you dont know or dont like then they might tell everyone in the school and no one wants that.

  33. Mike thats why it would be peer counseling! So you are NOT talking to a strange but a friend. Hannah if you don't talk to people about your problems then your just keeping them inside of you. It is good to let them out.

  34. Mike,
    Isn't it easier to tell a complete stranger rather than a friend. A complete stranger won't judge you!

  35. I agree with both Hannah and Kayla that it would be weird to go to someone you don't know, even if they are your peer, and tell them everything thats bad in your life. But, in the book it didn't start that way they started out hating it and it was awkward but once they got past some of the questions it became better and they were actually helping each other. So maybe if you had the right two people it could work.

  36. well if it gets that bad jack, you go to someone like a professional or a guidence counsler not a complete stranger thats the same age as you. what can they help with ?

  37. Who knows maybe some people think that telling there emotional problems to a stranger is soothing and it feels like there getting something off there back.

  38. Its better to keep things to yourself, in life theres not many people you can trust at this stage in "Middle school years" I know i can deal with stuff myself, I dont need a random kids help.

  39. i'd much rather talk to someone i know and trust instead of a stranger that has to be there and listen to you

  40. That is what makes a counselor so great! You can tell them anything and they want judge you. It is their job to listen and help not judge.

  41. Antonia in the story jazz and antonia wernt friends they dident even know eachother. And mr sorensen how is it easier to tell a stranger your problems then a close friend that you already talk about your problems to?

  42. mr. sorensen, if they dont know you theyre probably gonna judge you more than a friend would.

  43. hannah were not talking about you were talking about anyone mabee some people want to mabee its just your opinion

  44. Who knows if the complete stranger might not judge you, how would you know THE PERSON IS A COMPLETE STRANGER.-

  45. If you keep things to yourself then there is no one to help you with your problems. If we did peer counseling here at the school, then some problems can be worked out.

  46. There is no one in the Mercury 8th grade that is a complete stranger.

  47. if you keep holdiong things inside, one day your just going to get so fed up and just totally snap.

  48. Jack, in the question it asks about Mecury 8th graders, Did you read the question ?

  49. mr. sorensen, if they were a true friend they wouldn't judge you no matter what you said

  50. Hannah you its not better to keep things to yourself and you know that and there are friends who you can trust just not a stanger...

  51. Seriously, Hannah...haven't you ever felt better just by talking about something. It helps No?

  52. Yeah there is Antonio, Im pretty sure you dont know most of the stuff kids go threw in this whole team?

  53. Hannah, Then what is the point of going to"group"

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  55. No Mr.Sorenson, Ive never talked to anyone about all of my problems , I know I can deal .

  56. yes hannah i did were not talking about just you anyone in mercury 8th grade might have problems and might want to share it with some1

  57. hannah do you remember the story about ryan halligan he kept every thing bottled inside him and he ended up taking his own life because of it.

  58. i wouldnt go to some 'aquaintence' with my problems antonio. i would go to my closest friend, or even a aunt or unlce that is even closer and actually know what goes on at home.

  59. not just you hannah other people tooo!!!!

  60. Jack, Im not just talking about myself. In my other posts I said people would not just wanan pur there heart out to a stranger? so please get your facts right.

  61. Matt is still trying to figure things out!

  62. OMG JACK. Mr.sorenson just asked me a question .

  63. hannah i find that hard to beleive that you've never told anyone your emotional problems ?

  64. The peer counseling is working. It works because Jazz has opened up to her, so Antonia kind of is. They could come out more to each other because I think they can really be best friends.

    I do think it would work for PCIS but it also might start alot more fights because people would end up finding out.

  65. Mr.Sorenson, In "group" we dont talk about our problems .

  66. i think i would rather be counsled by one of my friends because i would trust them and sommeone like a stranger would tell everybody about your life

  67. I have an idea. What if we got to choose a peer or peers that we would have counseling sessions with. Also, trust is a huge part of this. One of the biggest parts of this peer counseling is being mature. You have to be mature when dealing with other people's problems. We have to trust that people won't share stuff that happens in the sessions.

  68. Sebastian, learn how to read. I said ALL my problems .

  69. Even if no one in Mercury is a complete stranger there are people that you don't talk to on a daily basis or at all, so if you don't talk to them now why would you want to go and tell them all your problems? I think it would be better if you stuck with talking to friends.

  70. i do not think peer counseling would work at all in 8th grade mercury because there are so many people who wouldnt care.

  71. At first I dont think peer counseling was working because they have stereotyped each other so much. I think they should get a 5.5 because they are getting better at it, but still holding stuff back. I think they both want to start talking but one thing leads to another and they get upset at each other. I think peer counseling would work for some people in mercury, but others would not because they dont want to pour there hearts out on some stranger. But for some people it might help them.

  72. That is why I came up with that idea Allison^^^

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  74. Jack , why dont you write what you think? Instead of always just saying "Antonios Correct"

  75. Antonio , I think that might help if you got to choose your counseler, but then most likely everyone would end up choosing their friends and you can already do that.

  76. i have been hannah because he is right

  77. Yaa I didnt refresh the page, so I didnt see it. ^

  78. hannah just owned jack :). stop aagreeing with him

  79. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  80. Haha i know right, hes not writing his own stuff.

  81. it seems that peer counsoling is benifitng both jazz and antonia they both need someone to talk to thats completely different

  82. peer counseling would work but not with a stranger. you can already talk to a best friend, so your counaselor would be someone you have talked to, but don't really know that well

  83. I think that the peer counseling is very effective, and that it is helping both of the girls. the one that is making it harder is Anotonia because she doesnt tell Jazz everything about her famiily, but also Jazz is making it hard because she wont tell her friends how she really is. Peer counseling would be a great idea for 8th grade.

  84. i would give it a 5. sometimes people need to just let things out, that they couldn't tell their parents or teachers. it would just be awkward. so it could be nice to know you can actually TRUST someone and be able to talk to them about problems in school, home, or with boyfriends or friends. it would be a very effective program,

  85. i think it has been very well. i would give it a five because it seems like they are counceling each other. if one of the girls has a problem that week then the other girl helps.

  86. i agree with you katya.. it would be nice to have people that you can trust and talk to

  87. i agree with katya because alot of problems in your socisl life you may want to discuss with friends instead of family or teachers.

  88. In Jazz and Antonias case peer counseling did work and was very successful. If we did try it in mercury, it might work becasue people who are having issuse can confine in someone whos not apart of it. Therefore, giving better advice then the persons best friend who maybe is apart of the issue. It could also bond people who maybe dont talk to each other.

  89. I think peer counsling could potentialy be a very great and helpful program for pcis. It seemed to really help to completely different people with opposite personalities become very close frinds. i would give it a 5.

  90. i ageree alex! it could also get people away from the whole idea of " groups " and " clicks "

  91. the peer counseling is extremely effective and it's helping both Jazz and Antonia's relationship grow stronger. they discover secrets about eachothers true colors. an issue is that antonia needs to be more honest about her family life and jazz wont let her friends know who she really is.

    Peer counseling would be such a good idea for mercury 8th grade because we could help eachother out and get to know how someone really is like and see past all our stereotypes that we've made about them in the past.

  92. i agree izzy about the steorotypes

  93. i think it would work for people in mercury for the people that want it to work if someone needs peer counceling then they can go, but if everyone goes because they have to i dont think it would.

  94. I would give it a 5 because it seems to be very effective.I don't know if it would be a good idea for PCIS because I feel people wouln't open up unless they were really close to the other person. Also if they did open up to very personal stuff I feel people would tell other people and rumors will be started about the other person...possibly leading to bullying.

  95. izzy i completely agree. peer counsling would be a great way for us to learn to trust and be friend with people we never thought we would be friends with

  96. i agree tom^ it should be an optional thing

  97. i agree tom because it wont work if people are forced into it.

  98. i think we should have peer counciling here at pcis because most people that go to this school dont have very good people skills. and peer counciling would help fix that

  99. tom i agree, not many people would be enthusiastic about it if it was mandatory.

  100. izzy, who says that people are just gunna pour their guts out to somebody else? some people are too self concious and scared about opening up to others.

  101. but mary, antonia and jazz didnt know each other at all and it worked?

  102. I'd give it a 5, after a while they both feel totally comfotable talking to each other about anything. I think we should have peer counciling at pcis because most kids won't open up to teachers and tell them about certain things...thats just awkward.

  103. ekbom - because they have no people skills that is why it would help

  104. jesse, i dont know if it would help with people skills. i think it would help more with lerning to trust and stop bottling things up

  105. izzy, i agree with what you said about sterotypes

  106. ekbom, are you saying that peer counseling wont be effective?

  107. tina - it would. what we are doing right now is downgrading peoples social skills because this activity is not personable

  108. I would give it a 4, depending on who you put together. If you put two close friends together than nothing would get accomplished, but if you put two random people who have never talked to eachother before it would take a long amount of time to beable to trust the other person and beable to actually talk to them about your problems. It should be a choice to beable to do peer councling because some people may think that it's pointless to talk to someone of the same age about your problems , but others may think that it's better because then the person would beable to relate to the problems more easily than talking to an adult about it.

  109. I think peer counseling is effective, get to know and understand each other and stop stereotyping or make someone feel bad.

  110. peer counseling in some cases works but other cases it doesnt. sometimes it helps becase your able to connect with someone who has or has had these problems before and knows what to do. how to help. others dont want to help and end up making the other person miserable. such as bullying.they could take the nformation they were told and spred it around school. besides why would you share with a complete stranger? there is no way you could trust them. what if theyre not reliable. or they tell others becase theyre amused by it. then what? for jazz and aqntonia's counciling i would say its a 3. theyre both starting to open up and gain trust with one another. however even though they talk to eachother when they are alone they completly ignore eachother in public. its almost like its embarassing for them to be friends. it may and may not work in mercury it all depends on who ends up wit hwho. people dont always get along with eachother.

  111. ekbom, thats whatthe peer counsing program would be for. so that kids will eventually feel comfortable enought to open up amd talk about their problems

  112. shauna- you don't have to share your personal stuff if it's optional. if you don't want to then you don't have to. but if you get involved in peer counseling then you don't have to open up right away. both of the people should earn trust from one another before they "poor their guts out"

  113. it wouldn't help with people skills. if people dont want to talk to strangers or other people then thats their choice you cant throw two people in a room and tell them to talk, most likely if somebody doesnt have good people skills they will just sit there and not say anything.

  114. tina - i am not going to tell some random person my problems. that not be a very good idea

  115. jess- how are we downgrading peoples social skills?

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  118. but jesse social skills arnt the problems people go to peer councling for they go to stop bottleing thing up like tina said. jazz has a pretty good social life but she is still in peer councling so i disagree with jesse and i agree with tina in a way.

  119. katrina i completely agree with you, but i think that if the peer counseler was some one you trusted or if eventually there was some type of relationship with them it would work

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  121. tina - i barly tell my friends my problems so why would i tell some random person i dont know

  122. it would be effective but i dont think it would work for evey person because everybodies different. if its optional then yeah it will take time.

  123. jesse, you dont half to do peer counseling if you dont want to, its just for people who are willing to do it

  124. @ shauna , if you didn't want peer counciling then you wouldn't have signed up .. but then again in the book it didn't really tell us that jazz had signed up for it, it only says that Antonia did ..

  125. tom, i agree with your disagreeing

  126. i agree with tom, about the whole bottling up thing. but also, it's just good to know there is someone else there for you who actually cares and is willing to listen.

  127. shauna, you wouldnt just throw to people in a room and tell them to talk... theyd have to wanna talk.. peer counseling isnt manditory

  128. tina - becasue we are talking over the computer and it is very different in person. knowing how to talk to someone over the computer will never help you in real life

  129. katya, isnt that why we have friends?

  130. @ bridget some people dont get signed up for peer counsiling you dont always have a choice to go or not to go.

  131. jesse-well thata what friends are for right? you should want to open up to your friends and let them help. and i understand that sometimes its hard to open up to them. thats why the peer counsling would be great because you get to here new advice from people that could possibly understand what your going through.

  132. jennet - im expressing my opinions.

  133. shauna, you cant always tell your friends all your problems

  134. Shauna, thats why you would have peer counsuling because you cant always tell your best friend everything.

  135. jesse way to spell my name wrong and i was just commenting on it

  136. yeah, but we all know for a fact some friends will just tell you what you WANT to hear. we all know it,.

  137. Jesse If you don't want to do peer counseling a stranger, you don't have to do it... Its to help other people to get along..

  138. jesse, not sharing your problems with your friends might be a problem because sometimes you have a weight on your shoulder and when you talk to someone about it you feel soo relieved after.

    peer counseling would take time depending who you're with. earn trust before you spill your guts out to your peer counselor

  139. and if the problem is about your friend, what are you going to do?

  140. people might want to go to peer councling for social skills but most people would go to again stop "bottling things up" so....

  141. tina, if you cant talk to a friend that knows you and wouldnt judge you, then why would you talk to a complete stranger that will stereotype you right away?

  142. @tori , you're right .. you can't always tell your friends your problems , because theirs only a few people that you can actually trust with anything ..

  143. I would give it a 4. Jazz and Antonia did tend to fight quite often in the begining of the story but as they spent time with eachother their friendship has made progress.

  144. i agree katya. if its about your best friend then how could you talk about it with her?

  145. tina - people need to learn to live with their problems because the truth is that other people have their own problems and dont need to worry about yours as well

  146. thats true Katya! because if you have a peer counseler than theres someone to trust and they'll tell u what u dont wanna hear and how to fix things

  147. true jesse. but sometimes telling somebody your problems gets their mind off of their problems.

  148. shauna- because sometimes friends dont completly understand your predicament but another person might. and like katya said alot of the times friends just tell you what you want to hear and it doesnt necessaraly help


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